CUE is designed to make data validation simple, powerful, and flexible.

To achieve this, the project publishes the cue command line tool, which allows a wide range of data validation tasks to be completed without writing any code. For more complex validation scenarios, CUE’s powerful Go APIs deliver fine grained control.

This guide demonstrates some of the data validation capabilities of the cue command.

CUE makes data validation simple

Validating data files with the cue command is easy. All we do is:

  • define some constraints, and
  • tell the cue command to check that each data file unifies successfully with the constraints.

Unification is CUE’s core operation - it’s central to how the language and its tooling works. It allows data and constraints to work at all scales, and is one of the mechanisms that enables CUE to perform automated processes such as removing boilerplate. You’ll read more about unification later.

As an example of CUE’s simplicity, here’s a set of data files that we’d like to validate - two JSON files and some YAML:

    "name": "Alex Atkinson",
    "type": "dog",
    "height": 55,
    "diet": "kibble"
    "name": "Bryn Brown",
    "type": "goldfish",
    "height": "2",
    "diet": "flakes"
name: Charlie Cartwright
type: cat
diet: chicken

Writing a schema that validates these data files isn’t difficult. We just mirror the data structure in a CUE file, marking important fields as either optional or required with ?: and !: respectively, and add some type information:

package validation

name!:   string // All animals have a name.
type!:   string // Every animal must have a type.
height?: int    // Optional, as we haven't managed to measure *every* animal just yet.

The cue vet command validates our three data files against this schema. Each file is validated independently:

$ cue vet . alex.json bryn.json charlie.yaml
height: conflicting values "2" and int (mismatched types string and int):

cue vet caught a common JSON error in our data: a number incorrectly encoded as a string. The error message tells us that the problem is on line 4 of the bryn.json file, in the height field. Let’s correct that data:

    "name": "Bryn Brown",
    "type": "goldfish",
    "height": 2,
    "diet": "flakes"

We can then repeat the cue vet command:

$ cue vet . alex.json bryn.json charlie.yaml

The command is silent, which tells us that our data validated successfully … but did you notice that the diet fields don’t get flagged up, despite being present in the data files but not in the schema? This is because the constraints we declared in schema.cue were placed at the top level of the validation package, and the top level of each CUE package is left open.

The effect of this is that when we invoke cue vet by only telling it about some CUE and some data files, its behaviour is to allow us to specify only the important data fields that we care about, without having to fully describe the data’s structure. This lets us get started quickly, performing partial validation of the most critical data - without having to spend time exhaustively documenting each and every field. As we’ll see shortly, this behaviour can be changed by placing our constraints inside closed structs.

CUE makes data validation powerful

In the previous section we validated three simple data files against a trivial schema.

The schema contained type constraints that made sure certain fields were of type string and int. CUE’s types also include float, number (the superset of int and float), bytes, null and bool, but its constraints enable much more sophisticated data validation than simple type checking.

Let’s see some examples of different data validations that CUE makes possible, using the same three data files that we worked with above:

    "name": "Alex Atkinson",
    "type": "dog",
    "height": 55,
    "diet": "kibble"
    "name": "Bryn Brown",
    "type": "goldfish",
    "height": 2,
    "diet": "flakes"
name: Charlie Cartwright
type: cat
diet: chicken

The schema.cue file is in place, as before. Let’s create policy.cue as well:

package validation

name!:   string
type!:   string
height?: int
package validation

type?:   "dog" | "cat"
height?: >10

The policy.cue file contains additional constraints for some data fields, which CUE combines with the type constraints in schema.cue through a process called unification. Let’s see it in action:

$ cue vet . alex.json bryn.json charlie.yaml
type: 2 errors in empty disjunction:
type: conflicting values "cat" and "goldfish":
type: conflicting values "dog" and "goldfish":
height: invalid value 2 (out of bound >10):

It turns out that our new policy constraints are too restrictive, as they don’t permit goldfish, or short animals. Let’s correct this by loosening our policies:

package validation

type?:   "dog" | "cat" | "goldfish"
height?: >=1

We can then run cue vet again:

$ cue vet . alex.json bryn.json charlie.yaml

CUE unifies all the constraints that apply to a field, and checks that they’re all satisfied simultaneously.

In our example, unification allowed us to separate “schema” from “policy”, but these terms don’t implicitly mean anything to CUE. Unification permits the separation of validation concerns into any number of aspects, guided by the structure that makes sense for your specific scenario.

For example: perhaps one team controls the specification of the field names that are permitted, whilst another team controls their types, and a third team imposes more fine grained controls over the fields’ values. Unification allows each team to control their own constraints independently, with CUE taking responsibility for combining them.

CUE does the hard work of unifying all the aspects, so that it can check that your data validates against every aspect.

More Constraints

CUE enables powerful data validation by making a rich set of constraints available out of the box.

You’ve already seen disjunctions in action, constraining the type field, above. Disjunctions are known as “sum types” in some other languages, or “alternation” in regular expressions.

You’ve also seen bounds being used to constrain the height field numerically. Bounds work with int and float typed values, using any of the comparison operators that you’d expect, such as <, >=, and !=. CUE uses the same operators to constrain string and bytes values, lexically, byte-by-byte.

Data validation often relies on regular expressions to match and constrain string values, and CUE supports them through the =~ and !~ operators. As you’ll see in the following CUE, the language’s standard library also provides many built-in validator functions. Here we use a pair of functions that can validate string data in a more straightforward and clear way than regular expressions.

package validation

import "strings"

data: {
	// Each member's value must have this prefix.
	[_]: strings.HasPrefix("Super")
	// Each member's value must have this suffix.
	[_]: strings.HasSuffix("e")
	// Each value must start with an uppercase
	// ASCII letter and end with lowercase ASCII.
	[_]: =~"^[A-Z].*[a-z]$"
	// Each value must not contain the letter "v".
	[_]: !~"v"
  a: Superlative
  b: supersede
  c: Superman
$ cue vet . data.yml
data.b: invalid value "supersede" (does not satisfy strings.HasPrefix("Super")):
data.c: invalid value "Superman" (does not satisfy strings.HasSuffix("e")):
data.b: invalid value "supersede" (out of bound =~"^[A-Z].*[a-z]$"):
data.a: invalid value "Superlative" (out of bound !~"v"):

CUE also provides a way to ensure that only known fields are present in data by using definitions to create closed structs. Here’s an example of a definition being used to flag up an extra field that shouldn’t be present in our data:

package validation

// #People is a list of zero or more #Person-s
#People: [...#Person]
#Person: {
	name!:    string
	address?: string
- name: Alex Atkinson
- name: Bryn Brown
  address: 123 Main Street, Springfield
- name: Charlie Cartwright
  age: 80
$ cue vet . data.yml -d '#People'
2.age: field not allowed:

The language tour demonstrates the full range of CUE’s constraints.

CUE makes data validation flexible

CUE delivers flexibility, letting you adopt its succinct and powerful language at whatever pace is appropriate by enabling you to use your existing data and schemas formats alongside CUE. It does this through its first class support for various alternative schema and data formats - which can be combined, imported, and exported.

The Integrations page contains links to the different formats that CUE supports, but here’s an example that demonstrates CUE’s flexibility through multiple formats being used simultaneously:

Let’s start with a trivial Protobuf schema that defines ExampleType:

message ExampleType {
  string aString = 1;
  int32  anInt   = 2;
  float  aFloat  = 3;
  bool   aBool   = 4;

Let’s include a JSON Schema file that adds some constraints to a couple of ExampleType’s fields:

    "$schema": "",
    "definitions": {
        "ExampleType": {
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
                "aString": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "pattern": "^Multiplication"
                "anInt": {
                    "type": "number",
                    "minimum": 5,
                    "maximum": 100,
                    "exclusiveMaximum": true

And let’s add some CUE policy that constrains ExampleType’s fields in ways that the other formats can’t express:

import "strings"

#ExampleType: {
	// aString is a required field, and its value must contain
	// the interpolated string result of squaring anInt.
	aString!: strings.Contains("\(anInt*anInt)")

	// anInt must be strictly greater than aFloat.
	anInt?: >aFloat

	// The final two fields are left unconstrained.
	aFloat?: _
	aBool?:  _

We’ll carefully construct some data such that it violates constraints from each of these schema and policy files:

aString: "Doesn't start with 'Multiplication', and doesn't contain the square of anInt"
anInt: 5
aFloat: 99.0
aBool: "this is not a boolean value"

The cue vet command unifies all the constraints, showing us the full extent of our data validation problem:

$ cue vet policy.cue schema.proto schema.json data.yml -d '#ExampleType'
aBool: conflicting values "this is not a boolean value" and bool (mismatched types string and bool):
aString: invalid value "Doesn't start with 'Multiplication', and doesn't contain the square of anInt" (does not satisfy strings.Contains("25")):
anInt: invalid value 5 (out of bound >99.0):
aString: invalid value "Doesn't start with 'Multiplication', and doesn't contain the square of anInt" (out of bound =~"^Multiplication"):

However, if we update and fix the data, then the same cue vet command is silent - indicating that the data validated succesfully against the unified set of constraints:

aString: Multiplication - 5 x 5 == 25
anInt: 5
aFloat: 4.0
aBool: false
$ cue vet policy.cue schema.proto schema.json data.yml -d '#ExampleType'

The range of formats and encodings that CUE supports is outlined in cue help filetypes. The cue command can also process its standard input stream in any of the formats it understands, as described in cue help inputs.

Future plans

You’ve seen how CUE enables simple data validation, letting you start small by checking the most important data using a succinct and easy-to-grasp format that intuitively mirrors your underlying data.

You watched CUE’s powerful data validation being used to combine the requirements imposed by multiple teams expressed through its rich set of primitive constraints and its standard library.

You saw how the range of formats that CUE supports can deliver flexible data validation that combines existing data, schema, and policy assets with newer, more powerful CUE constraints.

This is all possible, today, using CUE, but one of the project’s goals is to act as an interlingua: a bidirectional bridge between all the formats that CUE speaks, linking constraints with data sources of truth - no matter where they exist. This will allow constraints from any source to be translated into formats suitable for systems that don’t yet understand CUE (such as document databases that only understand JSON Schema) so that they can passively benefit from the language’s advanced capabilities.

Next steps

Interested in learning more about CUE? Here’s what you could try next: