CUE has first class support for OpenAPI data schemas: the cue command automatically recognises OpenAPI by its signature fields, and the Go API has packages dedicated to the format. Specifically, CUE supports the OpenAPI 3.0.0 standard through its components.schemas namespace for data schemas.

Constraints stored as OpenAPI data schemas are available for cue commands to use as if they were expressed in CUE. This allows you to work with these constraints directly, using them to validate data, and to represent them natively in CUE’s significantly more concise form.

In this guide, we’ll see:

  • cue def generating an OpenAPI data schema from a CUE definition,
  • cue import turning the generated OpenAPI back into CUE,
  • cue vet using an OpenAPI data schema directly, to validate some data,
  • and the encoding/openapi API generating OpenAPI in Go code.

Using OpenAPI with the cue command

The cue command can use OpenAPI constraints in various ways, through its different subcommands.

Let’s start with a simple CUE schema:

// A schema for the pet API.
package api

$version: "v1.2.3"
// A Pet is a pet that we handle.
#Pet: {
	// A pet has a name.
	name!: string
	// We only handle certain kinds of pets.
	kind!: #Kind
	// Centenarian pets are not handled.
	age?: uint & <100 // TODO: increase limit if the tortoise proposal is accepted.

// Kind encodes the different pets we handle.
#Kind: "cat" | "dog" | "goldfish"

The cue def command can express CUE constraints as OpenAPI data schemas, in OpenAPI’s components.schemas namespace - but only so long as all the top-level constraints are specified using CUE definitions.

The OpenAPI info.title field is extracted from the top-level CUE comment unless the field is specified explicitly. The same goes for OpenAPI’s info.version field, which is extracted from CUE’s top-level $version field if info.version isn’t present in the CUE.

Running cue def normalizes our CUE constraints, converting them into the format specified by the --out parameter. Be aware of just how long an equivalent OpenAPI definition can become - not all formats possess CUE’s succinctness and economy of expression!

$ cue def schema.cue -o --out openapi+yaml

The cue def command creates the OpenAPI document:
openapi: 3.0.0
  title: A schema for the pet API.
  version: v1.2.3
paths: {}
      description: Kind encodes the different pets we handle.
      type: string
        - cat
        - dog
        - goldfish
      description: A Pet is a pet that we handle.
      type: object
        - name
        - kind
          description: A pet has a name.
          type: string
          $ref: '#/components/schemas/Kind'
          description: Centenarian pets are not handled.
          type: integer
          minimum: 0
          maximum: 100
          exclusiveMaximum: true
Because CUE is more expressive than OpenAPI, it isn’t possible to generate a precise OpenAPI equivalent for every CUE constraint. CUE does the best conversion it can, limited by what OpenAPI’s data schemas can represent.

The cue import command can take constraints found in OpenAPI data schemas and express them as CUE. Here we take the definition produced by cue def, above, and convert it back to CUE:

$ cue import -p api

This produces the following CUE, which is as close to the original schema.cue as OpenAPI currently permits:
// A schema for the pet API.
package api

info: {
	title:   *"A schema for the pet API." | string
	version: *"v1.2.3" | string
// Kind encodes the different pets we handle.
#Kind: "cat" | "dog" | "goldfish"

// A Pet is a pet that we handle.
#Pet: {
	// A pet has a name.
	name!: string
	kind!: #Kind

	// Centenarian pets are not handled.
	age?: int & >=0 & <100
The cue vet command can directly use constraints from OpenAPI data schemas to validate data.

Let’s check the details of a well-known animal, Jonathan the tortoise:

name: Jonathan
kind: tortoise

Let’s validate Jonathan against the contents of our OpenAPI document, CUE automatically recognises the constraints in the components.schemas namespace, making them available as the #Pet schema:

$ cue vet jonathan.yml -d '#Pet'
kind: 3 errors in empty disjunction:
kind: conflicting values "cat" and "tortoise":
kind: conflicting values "dog" and "tortoise":
kind: conflicting values "goldfish" and "tortoise":

Perhaps our #Pet schema should be updated to handle more animal types!

Using OpenAPI with the Go API

CUE can also access and generate OpenAPI through its encoding/openapi Go API.

Generating an OpenAPI definition can be as simple as this:

package main

import (


func main() {
	ctx := cuecontext.New()
	insts := load.Instances([]string{"schema.cue"}, nil)
	v := ctx.BuildInstance(insts[0])

	// Generate the OpenAPI schema from the value loaded from schema.cue
	b, err := openapi.Gen(v, nil)
	if err != nil {

	// Render as indented JSON
	var out bytes.Buffer
	if err := json.Indent(&out, b, "", "  "); err != nil {
	fmt.Printf("%s\n", out.Bytes())
Running this code successfully expresses the constraints in our original schema.cue file as an OpenAPI document:

$ go run .
  "openapi": "3.0.0",
  "info": {
    "title": "A schema for the pet API.",
    "version": "v1.2.3"
  "paths": {},
  "components": {
    "schemas": {
      "Kind": {

The encoding/openapi package provides options to make a definition self-contained, to filter constraints, and so on. The expanding references option enables the “Structural OpenAPI” form required by CRDs targeting Kubernetes version 1.15 and later.

Future plans

One of CUE’s goals is to act as an interlingua: a bidirectional bridge between all the formats that CUE speaks, linking constraints with data sources of truth, no matter where they exist.

For now, only OpenAPI’s data schemas, in the components.schemas namespace, are handled by CUE. More complete support is tracked in issue #3133.