This Commented CUE demonstrates how to use the built-in functions strings.Contains, strings.HasPrefix, and strings.HasSuffix to validate fields by asserting that their values match specific strings.

package example

import "strings"

prefix:   "Some numbers (123) and letters"
contains: "Some numbers (123) and letters"
suffix:   "Some numbers (123) and letters"

prefix: strings.HasPrefix("Some numbers")
prefix: strings.HasPrefix("incorrect prefix")

contains: strings.Contains("numbers") & strings.Contains("123")
contains: strings.Contains("punctuation")

suffix: strings.HasSuffix("letters")
suffix: strings.HasSuffix("incorrect suffix")

// None of the built-in functions demonstrated here accept regular expressions.
contains: strings.Contains(".*")
$ cue vet
prefix: invalid value "Some numbers (123) and letters" (does not satisfy strings.HasPrefix("incorrect prefix")):
contains: invalid value "Some numbers (123) and letters" (does not satisfy strings.Contains("punctuation")):
suffix: invalid value "Some numbers (123) and letters" (does not satisfy strings.HasSuffix("incorrect suffix")):
contains: invalid value "Some numbers (123) and letters" (does not satisfy strings.Contains(".*")):