$ cue help environment
The cue command consults environment variables for configuration.
If an environment variable is unset or empty, it uses a sensible default

		The directory where the cue command keeps a cache of files to be
		reused. This defaults to a directory for user-specific temporary
		cache data, such as:

			"$XDG_CACHE_HOME/cue" or "$HOME/.cache/cue" on Linux
			"$HOME/Library/Caches/cue" on MacOS
			"%LocalAppData%/cue" on Windows

		The directory where the cue command keeps configuration and
		state files. This defaults to a directory for user-specific
		configuration data, such as:

			"$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/cue" or "$HOME/.config/cue" on Linux
			"$HOME/Library/Application Support/cue" on MacOS
			"%AppData%/cue" on Windows

		Comma-separated list of debug flags to enable or disable.
		Current possible values are:
				Print log messages in JSON format, one per line showing
				HTTP requests and responses made when interacting with
				module registries.

		Comma-separated list of experiments to enable or disable.
		The list of available experiments may change arbitrarily over time.
		See exp.go in package cuelang.org/go/internal/cueexperiment for
		currently valid values.

		Warning: This variable is provided for the development and
		testing of the cue commands itself. Use beyond that purpose is


		This variable specifies which registry or registries to use for
		downloading and publishing modules. See "cue help registryconfig"
		for details.